Last Update: 20240715 20240714 20240713 On July 13, 2024 during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump was shot in the right ear by a 20 year old sniper from a nearby rooftop. President Trump survived but the shooter and an innocent bystander were killed. Questions soon arose how the Secret Service allowed the close proximity (mere hundreds of feet) of the shooter to the President. NOTE: The title of 'President' remains with a US President for life. Local Path: "C:\DAN\Elections\2024\Trump\Ass_attempt_fyi.txt" Web Path: See Also: 20240714: Alex Jones: "Emergency! America Is Now Under Globalist Attack! More Assassination Attempts Imminent. The Deep States Next Move is False Flags, Civil Unrest & Martial Law! This is a maximum alert. More Update to come. @Elon you should get to your bunker immediate, this is a live coup. Secret Service FAILURE: Unforgivable Mistakes Made Trump Assassination Possible - Benny Johnson [The SS Sniper speaks] [ A Sniper speaks] Angel in the Sky? Kid Rock: From a friend of a friend of Sheryl's: "I'm saying this part out loud I do not trust our government for nothing. They want us to believe that some snot-nosed, still wet behind the ears 20 yr old who looks like he is maybe 14 is CAPABLE of pulling off what he did at Trump's rally yesterday. I have no doubt there are plenty of crazies who would WANT to do this. Why it hasn't been attempted hundreds of times before now escapes me, but to actually be CAPABLE of doing this is unimaginable. Supposedly this 20 yr old subverted the secret service, cia, & other highly trained individuals that make up an entity capable of amazing things to actually follow through with his plan to fire off shots at Trump, killing an innocent spectator & injuring a couple of other ppl in the audience (poor ppl). I'll say this right now & I mince no words about what I believe - I'd bet anyone that this was an inside job. Accomplished by the same individuals & entities that have weaponized the justice system against the opponent. The same entities that have protected one party & its members while persecuting & prosecuting the other party's members. This 20 yr old is just the distraction so people don't look at the real crime that just happened & has been happening. It wasn't the 20 yr old who did this. I guarantee-damn-tee it. You will not convince me that the secret service agents did their job as they were trained to do. It's called "I'll look away while you do your thing & we can eliminate this pig" (says 1 agent to another plotting to off Trump). "Shooter is down" - no, there was no shooter down as you & I want to believe that to mean. I believe there was an actor appearing to be down in an effort to provide fodder evidence for a shooter having been taken out. And now they want us to believe it’s this pre-adolescent 20 yr old who supposedly did this. If you want to believe the [sh*t] they are feeding us as being truth, then you are one of their sheep. I don't believe their [sh*t] for 1 second. How far up the chain of command this goes, only God & these powers that be know. I don’t pretend to know. I just know what I don't believe. The last handful of years has opened my eyes to no longer naively believing that any part of our government is neutral. I'm shocked at the atrocities that our government & its agencies have perpetrated on the American people & any opponent. This may include me now, now that I'm openly voicing my thoughts out loud for the world to see. I am fed up with the lies, manipulation, gaslighting, breaking of laws, complicity of its agencies, complicity of the media, the whole racket that is our government & its agencies. I say none of this as a Trump fan. I do not like the man. He grates on my nerves. I am not a fan. But I am a much lesser fan of the evil that is the democraps/demoncrats/demoncraps (take your pick). I believe LESS government is better for us (repubs), not more government (Dems). I don't choose sides in today's politics based on the man who is the face of a party. Biden is a mere puppet representing the face of his party while his puppeteers are pulling all the strings behind the scenes (they are the wizard behind the curtain). I'm saying I am not a Trumpster when I say all I am saying about our government. This is not coming from a place of rage about someone trying to off Trump. I don’t know why attempts are not made multiple times EACH & EVERY DAY on the guy. I am saying our government is our enemy, not each other, not voters of either party. We are pawns if we buy into their game. God help our country from the evil within. We don't need enemies outside of our country. The powers within our country are destroying America from within. Our political powers are our biggest enemy. Yes, I said all that out loud. Agree, disagree, we all have both rights. For now." EOF