Last Update: 20240712 20240711 20240710 20240709 >> DO NOT VIEW ON PHONE (too wide) << VIEWING THIS ON THE WEB? Your web browser MAY allow you to jump directly to the links further below with NO TYPING: (1) Highlight the entire link. (2) Right-click the highlighted link. (3) Left-click on the "Go to..." option. Local Path: "C:\DAN\Elections\2024\Project2025\2025_MFL_fyi.txt" Web Path: See Also: Daniele Cambone & Gerald Celente: Banking Crash of the Century Regarding: "C:\DAN\Elections\2024\Project2025\2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf" SOURCES: BACKUP: WHO AM I: I am solely responsible for the below. My Notes: WHAT "Project 2025" IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT: Donald Trump's Statements on Project 2025: [TDS content] The "Project 2025" .pdf file was produced by the conservative Heritage Foundation, definitely _not_ the 0'Biden crime clan. Further below is a helpful Index I have made to its content. The DEMs, RINOs, and Fake News are lamblasting Project 2025 all over the TV & internet waves. Patriots need something to counter all the mis- & dis-information they are spouting. The 2025_MFL_fyi.txt file is the antidote. Just post the link below to it on all your own social media, emails, etc. I recommend you download both the .txt and .pdf files and ship the .txt file around to your friends, family, and fellow Patriots. Here are the links to them, on my secure web server: Project 2025 exposes the monumental width and depth of the myriad (and often secret) Offices of the Federal Bureacracy. This documentation of Project 2025 contents was also monumental. I got interested in "Project 2025" when - in July 2024 - continual bleating, mewling, and bashing from the Democrat Party, RINOs, and the Mainsewer [Fake] News Media made me curious. If they're agin' it then I'm fer it !! The dual page-numbering indexes are unfortunate yet unavoidable: DOC PAGE# Go-to page numbers as shown upon the Document itself. PDF PAGE: As numbered by my own .pdf reader (Firefox). Enter a DOC PAGE# into your .pdf browser page field and it will go there. An entry like "560 593" is only 1 page, NOT a range of pages. Many sub headings are shown below, but not all, due to space considerations. The choice of which was my own. Suggestions for other headings to be in- or ex-cluded go here: ControlF in your .pdf browser lets you enter any sub heading or string [e.g., OGC or Climate Change] into its string-search field and it will go there. In my political vocabulary, "Progressive/Leftists" comprise nearly 100% of the Democrat (DEM) Party and 100% of the RINOs in the Republican (REP) Party. REP RINOs are an effective extension of the DEM Party. Such P/L persons seem dedicated to persuing broad wokeism and Global [UN] objectives rather than promote patriotic America-First policies. "Liberals" can be patriotic American citizens advocating for less yet more accountable government. Liberals can be socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. Unfortunately, the word "progressive" is frequently and favorably used within the file documented below: 2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf For example (DOC PAGE# 71:) "...progressives have sought a system that could effectively select, train, reward, and guard from partisan influence the neutral scientific experts they believe are required to staff the national government and run the administrative state." Be aware of this disconnect. MANDATE FOR LEADERSHIP - The Conservative Promise - 2025 Presidential Transition Project © 2023 by The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 546-4400 | ISBN: 978-0-89195-174-2 DOC PDF PAGE# PAGE: CONTENT DESCRIPTION: .\2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf 922 Pages ===== ==== ======================================================================== C1 01 Cover Page v 06 Table of Contents vii 08 Section 4 - The Economy xi 12 Advisory Boards xiii 14 Notes on "Project 2025" xiv 15 The Four Pillars [I to IV] of Project 2025 xv 16 The Authors xxv 26 Contributors 1 34 Foreward - A PROMISE TO AMERICA 4 37 PROMISE #1: RESTORE THE FAMILY AS THE CENTERPIECE OF AMERICAN LIFE AND PROTECT OUR CHILDREN 6 39 PROMISE #2: DISMANTLE THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE AND RETURN SELF-GOVERNANCE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 9 42 PROMISE #3: DEFEND OUR NATION’S SOVEREIGNTY, BORDERS, AND BOUNTY AGAINST GLOBAL THREATS. 13 46 PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY "THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY." 19 52 SECTION 1: TAKING THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT 23 56 WHITE HOUSE OFFICE 43 76 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 69 102 CENTRAL PERSONNEL AGENCIES: MANAGING THE BUREAUCRACY 83 116 A REFORMED BUREAUCRACY 87 120 SECTION 2: THE COMMON DEFENSE 91 124 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 105 138 DOD INTELLIGENCE 108 141 U.S. ARMY 110 143 U.S. NAVY 112 145 U.S. AIR FORCE 115 148 U.S. MARINE CORPS 117 150 U.S. SPACE FORCE 119 152 U.S. CYBER COMMAND 121 154 SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES 123 156 NUCLEAR DETERRENCE 125 158 MISSILE DEFENSE 133 166 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 134 167 MISSION STATEMENT AND OVERVIEW 138 171 U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION (CBP) 140 173 U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE) 143 176 U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES (USCIS) 153 186 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) 154 187 CYBERSECURITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENCY (CISA) 155 188 U.S. COAST GUARD (USCG) 157 190 U.S. SECRET SERVICE (USSS) 158 191 TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (TSA) 159 192 MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE (MGMT) 160 193 OFFICE OF STRATEGY, POLICY, AND PLANS (PLCY) 161 194 OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS (I&A) 162 195 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC) 163 196 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS (OLA); OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (OPA); OFFICE OF PARTNERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT (OPE) 164 197 OFFICE OF OPERATIONS COORDINATION (OPS) OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES (CRCL) PRIVACY OFFICE (PRIV) 165 198 OFFICE OF THE IMMIGRATION DETENTION OMBUDSMAN (OIDO) OFFICE OF THE CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES OMBUDSMAN (CISOMB) 166 199 AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS 171 204 DEPARTMENT OF STATE 174 207 RIGHTING THE SHIP OF STATE 178 211 PIVOTING RELATIONSHIPS ABROAD: OTHER NATIONS 183 216 OTHER INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS 190 223 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 193 226 SHAPING THE FUTURE 196 229 CONCLUSION 201 234 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 202 235 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (ODNI) Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). 205 238 EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333 208 241 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) 209 242 Reining in CIA Bureaucracy. 210 243 COVERT ACTION 211 244 ODNI AND CIA ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 212 245 PREVENTING THE ABUSE OF INTELLIGENCE FOR PARTISAN PURPOSES 215 248 FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT (FISA) 216 249 CHINA-FOCUSED CHANGES, REFORMS, AND RESOURCES 218 251 NATIONAL COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY CENTER (NCSC) 219 252 ADDITIONAL AREAS FOR REFORM 231 264 AN UNFINISHED EXPERIMENT 235 268 U.S. AGENCY FOR GLOBAL MEDIA 239 272 ATTEMPTS AT REFORM 240 273 NECESSARY REFORMS 243 275 ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES 245 278 CONCLUSION 246 279 CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING: A DEMONSTRATED PATTERN OF BIAS 247 280 DEFUNDING CPB PBS NPR VIA BUDGETARY PROCESS: PUBLIC INTEREST VS. PRIVILEGE 253 286 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MISSION & OVERVIEW 254 287 KEY ISSUES 257 290 Climate Change 258 291 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Agenda. (DEI) 270 303 OTHER OFFICES AND BUREAUS 279 312 CONCLUSION 283 316 SECTION 3 - THE GENERAL WELFARE 289 322 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) 291 324 OVERVIEW: MAJOR PRIORITY ISSUES AND SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS 293 336 Proactively Defend Agriculture: "Denounce efforts to place issues like climate change ahead of food productivity and affordability" 294 327 Address the Abuse of CCC Discretionary Authority. 295 328 Reform Farm Subsidies. 298 331 Move the USDA food and nutrition programs to the Department of Health and Human Services. Move the Work of the Food and Nutrition Service. 301 334 Reform WIC. 302 335 Return to the Original Purpose of School Meals. 304 337 Reform NRCS wetlands and erodible land compliance and appeals. 305 338 Other Major Issues and Specific Recommendations. 306 339 Focus on Trade Policy, Not Trade Promotion. 307 340 Remove Obstacles for Agricultural Biotechnology. 308 341 Reform Forest Service Wildfire Management. 309 342 ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES 310 343 CONCLUSION 319 352 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 320 353 OVERVIEW 322 355 Providing education choice for "federal" children. Restoring state and local control over education funding. Protecting the federal student loan portfolio from predatory politicians. 323 356 Stopping executive overreach. NEEDED REFORMS 324 357 Trends in Fourth- and Eighth-Grade Reading FOURTH-GRADE READING, AVERAGE SCORES 328 361 EIGHTH-GRADE MATH, AVERAGE SCORES FOURTH-GRADE MATH, AVERAGE SCORES 340 373 Reform the Office of Federal Student Aid 341 374 New Legislation That Should Be Prioritized 342 375 Congress should rescind the National Education Association’s congressional charter and remove ... taxpayers support [for] the political activities of this special interest group. "The NEA is a demonstrably radical special interest group that overwhelmingly supports left-of-center policies and policymakers. 351 384 ADDITIONAL K–12 REFORMS 352 385 Prohibit accreditation agencies from leveraging their Title IV gatekeeper role to mandate that educational institutions adopt diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. 353 386 Beyond immediate policy moves and rulemaking to end the current Administration’s abuse of the department’s payment pause and HEA loan forgiveness programs, the department should work with Congress to overhaul the federal student loan program for the benefit of taxpayers and students. 355 388 NEW REGULATIONS: Attacking the Accreditation Cartel 357 390 NEW EXECUTIVE ORDERS THAT THE PRESIDENT SHOULD ISSUE Protect the First Amendment. 358 391 NEW AGENCY POLICIES THAT DON’T REQUIRE NEW LEGISLATION OR REGULATIONS TO ENACT 360 393 U.S. Department of Education, Total Appropriations 363 398 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND RELATED COMMISSIONS 366 388 MISSION STATEMENT FOR A REFORMED DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY & OVERVIEW 368 401 National Energy Security. 369 402 Eliminate political and climate-change interference in DOE approvals of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. 370 403 Promote American energy interests. 371 404 New Policies: Remediation of Nuclear Weapons Development Programs and Civilian Nuclear Waste 372 405 DOE’s total FY 2023 budget request (which does not include IIJA, IRA, and CHIPS and Science Act funding) was for $48,183,451,000. OFFICE OF CYBERSECURITY, ENERGY SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE (CESER) 373 406 OFFICE OF ELECTRICITY (OE) 374 407 Prioritize grid security. OE’s FY 2021 enacted budget was $211,720,000, and DOE has requested $297,386,000 for FY 2023. 375 408 OFFICE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (NE) 376 409 These reforms [to NE] would cost substantially less than the $1,675,060,000 requested for FY 2023. OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY AND CARBON MANAGEMENT (FECM) Eliminate carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) programs. 377 410 Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). 378 411 OFFICE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (EERE) End the focus on climate change and green subsidies. 380 413 GRID DEPLOYMENT OFFICE (GDO) 381 414 OFFICE OF CLEAN ENERGY DEMONSTRATION (OCED) 383 416 LOAN PROGRAM OFFICE (LPO) 384 417 ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY–ENERGY (ARPA–E) 385 418 FEDERAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (FEMP) 386 419 CLEAN ENERGY CORPS 387 420 ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION (EIA) 388 421 OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (IA) 389 422 Identify and Promote American energy dominance. 390 423 Stop "climate reparations." ARCTIC ENERGY OFFICE (AE) 391 424 OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (IAC) OFFICE OF POLICY (OP) 392 425 OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSITIONS (OTT) 393 426 OFFICE OF SCIENCE (SC) 394 427 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (EM) 396 429 OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (OCRWM) (CURRENTLY OFFICE OF SPENT FUEL AND WASTE DISPOSITION) 398 431 NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (NNSA) 400 433 FERC: ELECTRIC RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCE 405 438 FERC: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION 406 439 FERC: NATURAL GAS PIPELINES 407 440 FERC: LNG EXPORT FACILITIES 408 441 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 417 450 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 421 454 ADMINISTRATOR’S OFFICE AND REORGANIZATION RESPONSIBILITY 423 456 OFFICE OF AIR AND RADIATION (OAR) 424 457 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 425 458 Climate Change Regulating Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act 426 459 Mobile Source Regulation by the Office of Transportation and Air Quality 428 461 OFFICE OF WATER (OW) 430 463 OFFICE OF LAND AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (OLEM) 433 466 OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION (OCSPP) 435 468 OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (ORD) AND RELATED SCIENCE ACTIVITIES 440 473 AMERICAN INDIAN OFFICE (AIO) 441 474 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC) 443 476 OFFICE OF MISSION SUPPORT (OMS) 444 477 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (OCFO) 449 482 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES "If the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were a separate country, its approximately $1.6 trillion budget would rank as the world's fifth-largest national budget. For good or ill, HHS activities personally impact the lives of more Americans than do those of any other federal agency. 452 485 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) 456 489 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) 460 493 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) 462 495 CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES (CMS) 469 502 AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE 470 503 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 476 509 ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (ACF) 482 515 OFFICE OF HEAD START (OHS) ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING (ACL) 483 516 HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (HRSA) 487 520 INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE (IHS) RURAL HEALTH 488 521 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 489 522 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH (OASH) OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL (OSG) 491 524 ADMINISTRATION FOR STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE (ASPR) ASPR vs. FEMA. 492 525 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL (OGC) 493 526 OFFICE OF GLOBAL AFFAIRS (OGA) 494 527 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS (OCR) 503 536 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Reset HUD 505 538 Office of Public Affairs Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations (CIR) Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Office of Housing and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 506 539 Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Office of General Counsel (OGC) Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (OHHLHC) 507 540 Office of Policy Development and Research (PDR) Office of Inspector General (OIG), headed by an Inspector General Office of Field Policy and Management (FPM) 508 541 FIRST-DAY AND FIRST-YEAR ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS 510 543 LONGER-TERM POLICY REFORM CONSIDERATIONS 517 550 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 519 552 BUDGET STRUCTURE 520 553 RESTORING AMERICAN ENERGY DOMINANCE 521 554 ADMINISTRATION PRIORITIES & Rollbacks 524 557 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS 529 562 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS REGARDING ALASKA 536 569 AMERICAN INDIANS AND U.S. TRUST RESPONSIBILITY 545 578 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 548 581 PRIORITIZING THE PROTECTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY 549 582 RESTORING THE FBI’S INTEGRITY 552 585 RENEWING THE DEPARTMENT’S FOCUS ON VIOLENT CRIME 554 587 Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable. DISMANTLING DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES 555 588 Secure the border, ...the key entry point for criminals 556 589 PURSUING A NATIONAL SECURITY AGENDA 557 590 DEFENDING THE RULE OF LAW 559 592 Engaging in Zealous Advocacy for and Defense of the Constitution 560 593 Zealously Guarding Other Constitutional Protections. 562 595 Responsibility for Prosecuting Election-Related Offenses 567 600 Ensuring Proper Enforcement ... of Our Immigration Laws 569 602 ADDITIONAL ESSENTIAL REFORMS 581 614 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND RELATED AGENCIES 582 615 NEEDED REFORMS Reverse the DEI Revolution in Labor Policy Eliminate Racial Classifications and Critical Race Theory Trainings 585 618 PRO-LIFE MEASURES RELIGION 594 627 EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING 599 632 WORKER VOICE AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING 606 639 WORKER RETIREMENT SAVINGS, ESG, AND PENSION REFORMS 609 642 PENSION REFORMS 619 652 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 622 655 BUILD AMERICA BUREAU 623 656 PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS 625 658 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 626 659 CORPORATE AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY (CAFE) STANDARDS 629 662 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 630 663 AVIATION 632 665 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 634 667 FEDERAL TRANSIT POLICY 636 669 FEDERAL RAILROAD POLICY 637 670 MARITIME POLICY 641 674 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 644 677 VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (VHA) & Needed Reforms 648 681 VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION (VBA) & Needed Reforms 651 684 HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION (HRA) & Needed Reforms 657 690 SECTION FOUR: THE ECONOMY 663 696 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 666 699 INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION 668 701 Addressing China 670 703 Global Markets and the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service 671 704 BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITY 674 707 Data Transfer and Apps Used for Surveillance NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION [Break Up NOAA] 678 711 BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS CENSUS BUREAU 680 713 Add a citizenship question 682 715 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 683 716 MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 685 718 U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 686 719 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY 687 720 NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SERVICE 691 724 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 695 728 TAX POLICY - Principles of Good Tax Policy 696 729 Intermediate Tax Reform Universal Savings Accounts 698 731 TAX ADMINISTRATION (IRS) 699 732 Information Technology 700 733 TAXPAYER RIGHTS AND PRIVACY 701 734 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 702 735 FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY 703 736 CHINA AND OTHER GEOPOLITICAL THREATS Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States 704 737 Greenfield Investments ["Congress should close the loophole on in U.S. ...assets by Chinese-controlled entities."] 705 738 IMPROVED FINANCIAL REGULATION Dodd–Frank Revisions 706 739 ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING AND ...OWNERSHIP REPORTING REFORM 708 741 THE "EQUITY" AGENDA CLIMATE-RELATED FINANCIAL RISK 709 742 OTHER REFORMS U.S. Coast Guard, BATFE 717 750 EXPORT–IMPORT BANK THE EXPORT–IMPORT BANK SHOULD BE ABOLISHED 718 751 CLAIMS VS. THE FACTS 722 755 FAILING TO MEET THE CHINA CHALLENGE 724 757 THE CASE FOR THE EXPORT–IMPORT BANK 731 764 FEDERAL RESERVE 732 765 BROAD RECOMMENDATIONS 733 766 Limit the Federal Reserve’s lender-of-last-resort function Wind down the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet 734 767 Limit future balance sheet expansions to U.S. Treasuries 735 768 Stop paying interest on excess reserves MONETARY RULE REFORM OPTIONS 736 769 Free Banking 737 770 Commodity-Backed Money [Gold] [Careful what you wish for!] "Treasury could set the price of a dollar at today’s market price of $2,000 per ounce of gold." 738 771 K-Percent Rule. "K-Percent Rule could be a more politically viable alternative to gold." 740 773 MINIMUM EFFECTIVE REFORMS 745 778 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 747 780 BUDGETARY FLUCTUATION 750 783 THE SBA IN A CONSERVATIVE ADMINISTRATION 753 756 COVID-19 Lending Program Accountability and Cleanup 754 787 Disaster Loan Program and Direct Lending Eligibility of Religious Entities for SBA Loans 756 789 Domestic Manufacturing and Small Business 757 790 SBA POLICY PRIORITIES FOR 2025 AND BEYOND 765 798 TRADE THE CASE FOR FAIR TRADE LAYING THE TRADE DEFICIT PREDICATE 767 800 America’s Trade Deficit in Goods and Services 773 806 Trade Deficit Reductions for Target Countries 783 816 CHINA'S ECONOMIC AGGRESSION AND QUEST FOR WORLD DOMINATION 787 820 The Fruitlessness of Further Negotiations 788 821 Vectors of China’s Economic Aggression in the Technology and IP Space 790 823 Effective Trade Policy in the Real World 792 825 YES, TRADE DEFICITS MATTER 796 829 THE CASE FOR FREE TRADE 799 832 U.S. Real GDP per Capita 804 837 Total U.S. Industrial Production 809 842 Trade and Inflation 810 843 National Security 814 847 Adopting a Multi-Pronged China Strategy 825 858 SECTION 5 - INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 829 862 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION AND RELATED AGENCIES 830 863 ENTREPRENEURIAL CAPITAL FORMATION 831 864 BETTER CAPITAL MARKETS 832 865 SEC ADMINISTRATION 833 866 CFTC ADMINISTRATION AND IMPROVED COMMODITIES AND DERIVATIVES MARKETS 835 868 DIGITAL ASSETS 837 870 CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU 845 878 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 850 883 Protecting America’s National Security 851 884 Address TikTok’s threat to U.S. national security Expand the FCC’s Covered List of unacceptable risks to security End the unregulated end run by China Telecom and similar entities 855 888 Holding Government Accountable 861 894 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION NEEDED REFORMS Federal Elections Commissions (FEC): Nomination Authority by US President for various positions in FEC 869 902 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 872 905 NEEDED REFORMS 874 907 Cancel Culture, Collusion, and Commerce 875 908 Protecting Children Online 876 909 Antitrust Enforcement 877 910 Big Tech and Antitrust 883 916 ONWARD! - CONCLUSION C2 922 Ending Credits ***20240712: DONE AT LAST!! FEDERAL OFFICES WITHIN OFFICES: THEIR NAME IS LEGION. HOPEFULLY LONG BEFORE NOW YOU HAVE SEEN WHY THE USA IS AND HAS BEEN SPENDING STUPEFYING SUMS - a $trillion every 3 months - OF EVER MORE DEFICIT MONEY!! FROM WHENCE COMETH INFLATION !!! "Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel As the images unwind, like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind!" Album: The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: To state the obvious: Large numbers of Human "AIs" reside in Washington, D.C. Many are willfully ignorant, some are naturally incompetent, and the rest are evil power brokers. Electronic AIs such as Microcoft's Copilot (a part of the MS-Edge web browser) are benign, useful, and competent for summarizing large swaths of continuous text such as can be found in the 2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf file. No Rights Reserved: You are welcome to use this document in any reasonable way you wish. I'm putting YOU on your personal honor not to change or deface it. Comments, Errors, Corrections, and Ommissions, please let me know: EOF